Sunday, June 12, 2011

Integrated unit on forestry

While reading Schell & Fisher's Teaching Social Studies: A Literacy-Based Approach I was excited about some of the concepts, ideas, themes, etc. presented.  I enjoyed reading this chapter and found it to be very helpful in creating my integrated unit.
My unit will be focused on forestry, not just trees, but about sustainability, economic and social impact.  After reading some of the big ideas and concepts I would like to focus on how forests are created, what the trees have been used for in the past and what they can mean for the future, and also discuss the importance of nature and the food cycle.  We will focus on what types of trees are native to their area, how they are grown and what to do to help sustain them.  Why are trees important?  We will discuss the social and economic impact of forestry, past, present and future.  Hopefully this will lead into more topics on recycling, food cycles, population growth, etc.

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